Saturday 24 January 2015

A huge collection of the books, lectures,letters, and poetry of Swami Vivekananda in 8 volumes. The individual volumes would sell for about $80.00. Special subsidized price of $45.95 for the set of 8 volumes..... The material includes his best teachings on Vedanta. In fact, they seem customized for the western mind. Included is his book on yoga meditation, or Raja Yoga. Other books included in this set is a collection of talks on Jnana, Karma and Bhakti Yoga.

Complete Works Swami Vivekananda (Set of 9 Volumes)

In these volumes we have not only a gospel to the world at large, but also, to its own children, the Charter of the Hindu faith. For the first time in history, Hinduism itself forms here the subject of generalization of a Hindu mind of the highest order. What Hinduism had needed was the organizing and consolidating of its own idea, a rock where she could lie at anchor, and an authoritative utterance in which she might recognise herself. What the world had needed was a faith that had no fear of truth. Both are found in the words and writings of Swami Vivekananda. It is the latest gospel of a modern Prophet of religion and spirituality to the mankind.

Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda

All the nine published volumes of Swami Vivekananda's works are available here. All proceeds from the sale of this book are donated to Advaita Ashrama, founded by Swami Vivekananda.

Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda

His words are great music, phrases in the style of Beethoven, stirring rhythms like the march of Handel choruses. I cannot touch these sayings of his, scattered as they are through the pages of books at thirty years' distance, without receiving a thrill through my body like an electric shock. And what shocks, what transports must have been produced when in burning words they issued from the lips of a hero --Romain Rolland, famed 19th-century author